Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sexy time!

I haven't taken some new pictures in a while and I wanted to share a photoshoot I did with my friend Krys. It was time for "sexy time" pics!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My final for class

I spent a lot of time working on my final project for my digital photography class and what I ended up with was really nice. I impressed myself. So, here you go, internet world. I glimpse into my life. My husband definitely had a good time being my model.

A Day at the Park

I spent some time today taking some pictures at the park of my lovely family. It has been a while since we were able to enjoy time together all at the same time. School, work, kids seem to get in the way and it was nice to get some updated pictures of my little man.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spending some time with my niece

My niece, Ava, was born a few weeks ago and I had the wonderful chance to go over today and take some pictures of her. I have never had the chance to take pictures of a newborn before, so this was a fun experience and much easier than taking a picture of my very mobile 1 year old. We had a few cranky moments, but I was able to get a few good shots. Special thanks go out to my brother and his wife who let me use their daughter for my school project!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Self portrait

My hobby has turned into a passion!

So, I've started this blog to be sort of a timeline of my learning into the world of photography. It started out as something I thought I would like to do, and has now become a passion. I have finally found something I enjoy doing that makes me truely happy, so I am taking it and running with it! I hope to add more as I go. So, here goes!

And remember, I am not a professional. =)